EAA 104 Member Ed Hanson wanted to share the following…
Just a reminder we will conduct our mini ground school with the Porter County Public Library System this Saturday September 14th from 2 pm to 4 pm in the Chapter room. At least 6 teens have signed up so far. The topics we will highlight include aerodynamics, aircraft systems and instruments, FAA regulations, navigation and communications, aviation weather, and pilot qualifications. I will do a short introduction talk then if the weather is good we will walk them to the ramp to look over an aircraft pointing out the various parts and instruments.
Ed Hanson
We will then have whoever wants to talk cover the subject topics. I can cover weather at the end as I can adjust my time to fit whatever is available. Please step up and share your knowledge with the pilots of tomorrow. This is a low key event and everyone usually joins in the discussion. Thanks for your help! Please share this information with other members who are not listed on this email.
Please consider volunteering for this event. You can use our contact form or contact Ed directly.

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