FAAST Seminar coming up at the September EAA 104 Meeting: Preflight After Maintenance

Our September meeting will include a FAAST Seminar starting at 7pm (registration encouraged). This will be held at the EAA Chapter 104 club room at KVPZ.

In the seminar, “Preflight After Maintenance,” we will discuss the importance of thorough preflight inspections of aircraft that have just been returned to service. The discussion will include the consequences of inadequate preflight inspections, some common problems that have led to accidents, and what to look for following maintenance.

FAAST Website

The seminar will be presented by Dennis Miller. Light refreshments will be served.

Our regular monthly meeting will follow.



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One response to “FAAST Seminar coming up at the September EAA 104 Meeting: Preflight After Maintenance”

  1. Jack Walter Avatar
    Jack Walter

    Hey guys, from the new kid in the chapter, Jack Walter. Prior to our next meeting, there is a cool fly-in on Saturday Sept 7th at Brookeridge Airpark which is in Downers Grove, IL. Went there last year in a friends Bonanza . It is about 70 statute miles WNW near Clow and Naper Aero. This is their 9th annual flyin where they serve hamburgers and hot dogs. They also hold a Rusty Pilots seminar in one of their hangars. It is a neat 9/27 runway homesite airpark. If anyone might be interested in making the trip I would be more than willing to go along for the ride and help pay for some gas. It starts about 10:00 and goes until 2:00 Call me at 630-930-6092 or e-mail is topgunjww@comcast.net. Weather permitting of course. Thanks. Jack Walter

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